All about being a JAGUAR

I am honored to have the opportunity to attend the fantastic school that i love to call Spain Park, where we are expected to be the best that we can be and recite the Alma Mater without even thinking about it. speaking of the Amla Mater, I was callenged to memorize it and i have never regreted it! along with academics Spain Park is also proud of all the athletics that we support here! I play on the Junior Varsity volleyball team and i absolutly love it! our season was not exactley the bomb but we did pretty swell! as i walk through the halls at the wonderful Spain Park i feel honored to be able to be here! i am tall so my number one advantage is that i can see over all the little childern walking through the hall! so when my Senior year approches i will look back on all the fantastic memories that i had in My HS101 class! as i leave this school in 2015 i will always love the Jaguar Blue!#gojags