Timemaps 8.5 is all about...identity theft!
identity theft is the act of stealing personal infomation from another individual in order to illegally obtain credit or commit criminal acts using the stolen information. A Socail Security number is a unique number assigned to everyone withen the Socail Security system. personal information is the vast amount of inforation that a unique to a single individual including their name, social security, and many other information.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
timemaps 8.4
Timemaps is all about The world of Credit Cards!
a credit card is an essitial part of the average persons life. the def. of internet is an electric communications network that connects computer networks worldwide. due to advances in tecnology and comuters credit cards provide a quick and easy way to make everyday purchases.
a credit card is an essitial part of the average persons life. the def. of internet is an electric communications network that connects computer networks worldwide. due to advances in tecnology and comuters credit cards provide a quick and easy way to make everyday purchases.
Timemaps 3.3
Timemaps 3.3 is all about...Compound Interest!
Compound Interest is a method of calculating the interest for finanial transaction where the interest becomes a part os the finiancial principal after it is calculated. a bank is a finiancial institution that deals in the exchange of money and provides services to their customers. A compound cosists of two or more componets. A compounding period is the length between compound interst calculation. the compounding period will typically be anual, quartley, monthly, or daily.
Compound Interest is a method of calculating the interest for finanial transaction where the interest becomes a part os the finiancial principal after it is calculated. a bank is a finiancial institution that deals in the exchange of money and provides services to their customers. A compound cosists of two or more componets. A compounding period is the length between compound interst calculation. the compounding period will typically be anual, quartley, monthly, or daily.
timemaps 3.1
Timemaps 3.1 is about Interest Basics!
interest is an important financial conecpt. it can help depending on how it is applied. debt is money that is legally owned to another individual or business. interest bearing accounts are essentailly making a loan to the bank. intere st can affect you the longer your money is left in the bank, the more interst you will make.
interest is an important financial conecpt. it can help depending on how it is applied. debt is money that is legally owned to another individual or business. interest bearing accounts are essentailly making a loan to the bank. intere st can affect you the longer your money is left in the bank, the more interst you will make.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Resume, Cover letter, Follow up letter!
The purpose of a RESUME- to give you a chance to tell about everything that you have acomplished in your life.
the purpose of a COVER LETTER- provides a breif explanation of what your resume will have on it.
the purpose of a FOLLOW-UP LETTER- to let the company know that you are still interested in working for them.
the purpose of a COVER LETTER- provides a breif explanation of what your resume will have on it.
the purpose of a FOLLOW-UP LETTER- to let the company know that you are still interested in working for them.
how to prepare for an interveiw
when preparing for an intervew you should always be prepared and on time! do not worry about the questions is you are calm everything will be fine. do not be silly but dont be so dull that they wont want to hire you. answer all your questions in complete sentences.
Monday, November 7, 2011
correct interveiw dress attire
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